Schisandra has adaptogenic properties and may increase a person’s ability to adapt to stress.


Also known as:
Schizandra chinensis (Turcz) Baill)
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Schisandra is a fruit-bearing vine that has long been recognised for its potential health benefits. The small red-purple berries originate from Asia and have been used in China for centuries.

In this article, we'll dive into:

  • What schisandra chinensis is
  • The potential health benefits of the schisandra berry
  • How to include the schisandra berry it in your diet

... and other useful information about this valuable little berry, which is becoming increasingly popular around the world due to its many different uses.

What is schisandra?

Schisandra, also scientifically known as Schisandra chinensis or Schizandra, is a plant with red-purple berries. It is said to have five different flavours: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and pungent, earning it the nickname "Five-Flavour Berry".

Because of its beautiful appearance, some people choose to use it as an ornamental plant in the home.

However, the fact remains that the nutritional benefits are found within the small red berries. That's why the berries are used in supplements and other health-related products.

What are the schisandra benefits?

Schisandra is an adaptogenic plant and is therefore known to have various health benefits.

An adaptogen aids the body in adapting to stress and other challenges.

Schisandra berries contain substances that stimulate enzymes in the liver, which can help increase cell growth. It's believed that this interaction provides the beneficial health effects.

Schisandra chinensis is often praised for its potential to improve liver function, strengthen the immune system, and enhance mental clarity and concentration.

However, there aren't yet many scientific studies on Schisandra chinensis and its effects, and those that do exist point in different directions.

Therefore, it's not yet possible to definitively state what schisandra is beneficial for.

However, studies have shown that schisandra has adaptogenic properties and can increase a person's ability to adapt to stress.

Therefore, if you're feeling stressed, it may be worth trying a supplement with Schisandra chinensis.

The experience with schisandra and its effects is ultimately a personal matter. So, if it makes you feel good, it could be the right path for you.

How is schisandra chinensis ingested?

Schisandra can be consumed in a variety of ways, including as a dietary supplement and even in skincare products. The berry is also available in dried form, making it a versatile addition to tinctures or as an ingredient in culinary dishes. The berries can also be brewed into wine or tea.

Dried schisandra berries
Schisandra UK berries have many benefits.

Some skincare products also contain schisandra extract due to its potential skin rejuvenating properties.

Schisandra supplements with extract

Schisandra supplements are also available as a supplement in capsule or tablet form. When choosing a schisandra supplement, it's important that you follow the recommended dosage.

When choosing supplements, keep in mind that many can vary in quality. Therefore, it's always a good idea to only buy supplements from established companies with good customer reviews.

What is the optimal dose of schisandra?

There are not many scientific studies on schisandra in the Western world, so the optimal dose of schisandra is not yet known.

However, in powder or extract form (which is typically used in supplements), an amount of 1-3g daily is often used.

However, the optimal dose varies from person to person. It depends on several factors, including individual needs, health condition and the form of the schisandra extract, such as capsules, powder or liquid form.

In general, it is recommended to start out with a lower dose and gradually increase the amount if necessary. It is important to read the product label on supplements and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for correct dosage.

It is also a good idea to take schisandra with a meal to improve absorption.

Source: Examine

Are there any schisandra side effects?

While schisandra is generally well-tolerated when taken orally, it's good to know that excessive intake leads to mild side effects.

Overdosing on schisandra can cause heartburn, upset stomach, decreased appetite and allergic reactions such as itching.

Therefore, when using a schisandra supplement, it's important to follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage instructions to avoid potential side effects.

Important: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, schisandra may be unsafe to take as a dietary supplement. You should always consult your doctor.

Source: Webmd


Schisandra chinensis is a fascinating berry with potential health benefits, including increasing the ability to adapt to stress.

So, if you're feeling stressed, supplementing with Schisandra can be a positive step towards overall wellbeing.

Try a dietary supplement with schisandra from 4HER

To capitalise on the health benefits of Schisandra, we've included this important substance in 4HER Hormonal Balance, tailored to women's needs.

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