Returns and terms

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Return with right of withdrawal

Is it less than 14 days since you received your first shipment?

Then you are within the right of withdrawal and can return to the following address:

VM Sverige AB
Postbox 909
195 05 Arlandastad

Return without right of withdrawal

Have you received a regular shipment that you want to return?

Unfortunately, there is no right of return on ordinary deliveries (all full-price deliveries after your first package). Visit the customer portal if you wish to cancel your subscription.

NB! Returned deliveries not covered by the right of withdrawal are not credited (canceled). If you wish to return a returned item, a return fee of £10 will be charged.

Terms and withdrawal form

Here you'll find answers to your questions about terms and conditions, right of withdrawal and returns.

Full terms and conditions

Privacy Policy

Cancellation form