How to Get Thicker Hair

Are you dreaming of luscious hair and wondering how to get thicker hair naturally? Keep reading and get 6 tips that help you get thicker hair.

Apr 11, 2024by Miriam Johansen
4 min read
Woman with thick hair

It's easy to get jealous of those lucky enough to have a thick mane. Especially if you've always had thin hair yourself or if your hair has thinned over the years. Are you thinking about how to get thicker hair naturally?

There can be several reasons why your hair is not as thick as you would like it to be.

Reasons You Don't Have Thick Hair

  • Natural aging
  • Genetic factors
  • Hormonal changes
  • Pregnancy
  • Bad diet
  • Overuse of harmful hair products
  • A stressful lifestyle
  • Disease and infections

Sources: Healthline (2024),

But while the thickness of your hair is partly hereditary, and some people are just born with thicker hair than others, luckily there are some simple methods you can use to make your hair look thicker.

Read more: Discover the 7 Vitamins That are Good for The Hair

Here are 6 Tips on How to Get Thicker Hair

A woman washes her hair with a shampoo for volume

1. Choose Hair Products for Volume

Use a shampoo for volume that is designed to give your hair a lift and add body. It will make your hair look thicker.

You should always only use conditioner on the lengths to maximise volume.

There are different types of conditioners to choose from. If you choose one that adds volume, it will weigh your hair down less than regular conditioner.

2. Get a Shorter Hairstyle

A good hairdresser can cut your hair in a way that gives the illusion of more volume.

If your hair is thin, you should go for a shorter hairstyle. Preferably shoulder-length or shorter. Thin hair tends to look extra thin if it's allowed to grow long.

It's also a good idea to go for a hairstyle that adds short layers and texture to the hair. Layered cuts with soft curls or waves can also add body and movement, making your hair look thicker.

A woman uses a hair product to get thicker hair

3. Use Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is considered a minor miracle by many in the beauty world. But it actually does more than make your hair look clean. If you spray a little dry shampoo along the roots, you'll instantly get more body and volume in your hair.

Dry shampoo also makes your hair feel less greasy as the spray draws moisture out of the hair.

4. Get Thicker Hair With Hair Extensions

If you're willing to pay a few grand, hair extensions will add extra body to your hair.

Hair extensions are loose hair that you attach to your own hair. You can decide whether you want it long or short, how full your hair should be and what colour you want. Ask your hairdresser for advice.

Damaged hair

5. Avoid Chemical Treatments if You Want Thicker Hair

Chemical treatments such as bleaching or perms can be harsh on your hair. Avoid over-treating your hair, as it can weaken it and make it look thinner.

6. Take a Dietary Supplement for Thicker Hair

Health comes from within, and if you don't get enough vitamins and minerals through your diet, it will show in your hair health.

The best way to fulfil your nutrient needs is to eat a healthy and varied diet and avoid stress and other factors that drain the body.

But if you don't get fully fuelled on a daily basis, a hair supplement can be an easy way to provide your body with the essential vitamins and active ingredients for healthy and beautiful hair.

Supplements for Thicker Hair: Try 4HER Hair

4HER Hair is a dietary supplement with 20 vitamins, minerals and active ingredients, carefully formulated to give your hair a boost from the inside out.

Among other things, you get:

  • Biotin which contributes to hair maintenance
  • Copper, which contributes to normal hair pigmentation
  • Rosemary, which has properties that can strengthen hair follicles and support a healthy scalp
  • Manganese, which helps protect cells from oxidative stress
  • Silicon is an important component of keratin (a protein that acts as a building block in skin, hair and nails)

Every day, 4HER is used by thousands of women across the Nordic region. Do you want to join us?