Spring Fatigue – 6 Ways to Overcome It

The days are getting brighter, buds are appearing, and you can feel spring in the air. But are you feeling tired, lethargic, and perhaps even a little bit bored? You might be suffering from spring fatigue.

May 08, 2024by Angelica Svensson
4 min read
Tired woman resting in the grass in spring

After a long and cold winter, we all long for sunshine and warmth. However, for some, the transition from winter to spring brings on feelings of tiredness and lethargy, commonly known as spring fatigue.

This phenomenon can leave us drained of energy, making it difficult to find the vitality needed to embrace the new season.

In this article, we'll explore what spring fatigue is and offer some strategies to overcome it, so you can welcome spring with open arms!

Why Do You Experience Springtime Fatigue?

One explanation for spring fatigue is that the body has difficulty adjusting to the increased daylight. In other words, it becomes light too quickly, disrupting the biological clock and causing it to become unbalanced.

This is why many people feel tired in spring.

There are no reliable figures on how many people experience this seasonal fatigue, but it’s estimated that around one in four people in the Nordic countries may suffer from fatigue when the seasons change.

READ MORE: 8 Tips on How to Get More Energy for Men

Tired man
Springtime fatigue can hit everyone and can be related to changes in the light.

How Long Does Spring Fatigue Last?

Usually, spring fatigue can last for a few weeks between March and May before disappearing as our bodies adjust to the transition to lighter days.

But don't despair! Fortunately, there are some simple tricks you can use to alleviate spring fatigue.

6 Tips to Deal With Springtime Lethargy

  1. Daylight: Try to wake up early in the morning to get daylight shortly after sunrise, as this is when the body is most receptive. This helps regulate wakefulness and sleep.
  2. Prioritise sleep: Aim for a regular sleep schedule, including weekends, and try to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Your body will thank you for it and you'll wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day!
  3. Outdoor exercise: As little as 15 minutes of skin exposure to the sun can provide enough vitamin D for the day. Exercise and vitamin D build strength and increase your energy levels. Engage in outdoor exercise such as jogging or cycling.
  4. Take a cold shower: it refreshes, revitalises and boosts hormones and recovery.
  5. Refuel your body: Spring is the perfect time to replace heavy winter food with lighter, fresher food. Eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein to give your body the nutrients it needs to feel its best. And don't forget to drink plenty of water, which flushes toxins out of your system and is an effective solution to spring fatigue.
  6. Top up on vitamins! Spring fatigue can also be exacerbated if you're lacking important nutrients. Vitamin D and B vitamins in particular are essential for us to feel good and for our bodies to function optimally!

READ MORE: Supplements for Fatigue – Which are Best?

Man and woman resting outside
Spring lethargy can be reduced by changing your lifestyle a bit.

Fuel Your Body with Supplements From 4HIM

As we've seen, there are several simple tricks you can use in your everyday life to alleviate spring fatigue and boost your energy levels.

For some, a dietary supplement can also help increase energy!

4HIM TestoBalance is the leading dietary supplement for men in the Nordics. Daily intake of zinc helps maintain normal testosterone levels in the blood, while magnesium and vitamin B6 help reduce fatigue and exhaustion.