8 Tips on How to Get More Energy for Men

Feeling tired and drained without knowing why? Low energy can really put a damper on your day. Luckily, it's easy to boost your energy with just a few simple changes. Sit back, have a read, and discover how to get that enviable energy boost!

Jul 25, 2024by Miriam Johansen
8 min read
Man with no energy who has fallen asleep on the sofa in front of the TV

If your everyday life is filled with buckets of coffee and loud yawns, you're not alone.

Many people struggle with a lack of energy. In extreme cases, it can lead to burnout. For most of us, however, it's not that serious—just a constant feeling of low energy.

In this article, we show you how to boost your energy. Often, it doesn't take many adjustments. Continue reading to get 8 tips on how to get more energy.

1. Be Aware of Stress

Your body and brain need breaks to recharge. If you're stressed and overloaded for too long, it can quickly backfire, leading to a lack of energy and vigour.

According to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 80% of all doctor visits are due to stress-related issues. It's safe to say that stress is the biggest enemy of public health today.

Stress drains you of energy.

Chronically elevated stress levels force your adrenal glands to work in overdrive, resulting in high levels of the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.

Stressed man with no energy
Stress is a public enemy and perhaps the biggest of all energy killers. Prolonged periods of stress can drain the body of energy.

These are the same hormones that are released when you experience a dangerous situation. The body goes into a state called ‘fight or flight’. It reacts in exactly the same way as if you had an angry lion after you.


We're often told that it's important to breathe deeply into our stomachs, but that's easier said than done when everything feels like it's falling apart.

Try managing your stress with simple breathing exercises that deactivate the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). Find a method you enjoy. For example, you could try meditation, gentle yoga, or massage. Additionally, both qigong and tai chi are said to be effective in boosting energy and wellbeing.

Just 5-10 minutes of any of these exercises can calm your mind and help your body manage stress.

2. Make a Plan

A common cause of persistent fatigue and low energy is simply taking on more than you can handle. It could be at work, but it could also be in your family or other social obligations.

Figures from Avonova show that it is time pressure in particular that makes us feel stressed at work.

As many as 42% report too little time, 36% complain about a lack of resources, while 26% find efficiency requirements challenging.


Try to get an overview of your entire day. Make a plan and prioritise what are the most important tasks of the day. This will help you sort your tasks into "important" and "less important".

Don't be afraid to ask for extra help, whether at work or at home, if needed.

READ MORE:  Why Do Men Suffer From Fatigue as They Age?

3. Be Active

Studies show that you sleep better after exercise. Therefore, during the day, you should try to get some physical activity, partly because it increases dopamine levels in the brain.

  • Regular physical activity strengthens muscles and increases endurance.
  • It also brings oxygen and nutrients to the cells, helping the cardiovascular system function more efficiently. When your heart and lung capacity are strengthened, you have more energy throughout the day.
  • Cardio exercise causes the body to release endorphins, which help us stay awake. However, avoid exercising 1-2 hours before bedtime, as it may cause difficulty in falling asleep.


Get your trainers on and find a form of exercise you enjoy!

4. Get Enough Sleep

Do you sleep poorly? Then it's no wonder you feel tired and lack energy and vigour during the day. Good sleep quality is important for our health. Create good sleep routines so that you have more energy and vitality in your everyday life.


  • Make sure you exercise regularly (see previous point!).
  • Get out of bed if you can't sleep for more than 20 minutes.
  • Avoid sleeping during the day. If you absolutely must have a power nap, make sure it lasts no longer than 20 minutes.
  • Resolve any problems and worries well before bedtime. Put any worrying thoughts aside before you crawl under the covers.

5. How Do I Get More Energy With the Right Food?

Food can have a significant impact on our energy levels, either making us feel very tired or giving us a boost. Take a look at what you eat during the week and see if you consume a lot of heavy, hard-to-digest foods—you may have found the reason for your lack of energy.

Both your blood sugar and energy levels benefit from foods with a low glycaemic index (GI) - carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed by your body.

This is the opposite of foods like baguettes, beer, French fries, waffles, boiled potatoes, popcorn, and chocolate, which are examples of high GI foods.

In general, you should avoid high-carbohydrate foods and focus on eating more protein.

Make sure you get foods with a LOW glycaemic index:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit and berries
  • Wholemeal products
  • Legumes such as lentils and beans

READ MORE: What Foods to Eat to Boost Testosterone

6. Don’t Overindulge in Coffee

We often reach for a coffee cup when we're tired. Caffeine has a stimulating effect, and many people find coffee invigorating. After a cup of this "black gold," you might feel more alert and focused.

Happy guy with a cup of coffee
A few cups a day is fine, but drinking coffee by the bucketful can impair your sleep quality and make you feel more tired.

But it's actually possible to have too much caffeine, which can affect your sleep (especially if you drink it after 2 p.m.).

Excessive caffeine can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, and for some, it may lead to fatigue. If coffee is leaving you feeling low on energy, dehydration could be a possible reason.


According to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) report, you can safely drink four cups of coffee, or about 6.7 to 8 dl filter coffee every day. You are within the recommendations if you consume a maximum of 400 mg of caffeine daily.

7. Focus on Staying Hydrated

The body is made up of 50 to 75 per cent water. As such, it needs continuous replenishment throughout the day to replace fluids lost through the lungs, skin, urine, and faeces.

Too little water can lead to dehydration, which often results in a feeling of low energy. Dehydration reduces blood flow through the veins, resulting in less oxygen and fewer nutrients reaching the muscles and other organs.

Therefore, it's common to experience fatigue, headaches, and a lack of vigour if you don't drink enough water.


Water is the best way to quench your thirst. The recommended intake for adults is between two and two and a half litres of fluid per day.

READ MORE: Erik: "Now I Can Do Twice as Much"

8. Get More Energy With Supplements

For some, a dietary supplement may help if you’re experiencing low or no energy.

4HIM TestoBalance is a Nordic dietary supplement specifically developed for men. Taking 2 tablets daily provides the body with zinc, which helps maintain normal testosterone levels in the blood, as well as magnesium and vitamin B6, which help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium also supports normal energy metabolism, muscle function, and psychological function. The product also contains Panax ginseng, which may contribute to increased energy and overall vitality.

Note: 4HIM is a dietary supplement and cannot treat illness symptoms. If you experience prolonged fatigue without an obvious cause, we recommend consulting a doctor to identify any underlying issues.

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