How Jofrid Got Rid of Early Menopause Symptoms

After struggling with menopause symptoms for a long time, Jofrid (32) came across the dietary supplement 4HER Menopause. 'I decided to try it, and I haven't regretted it,' she says in this interview.

Sep 26, 2024by Astrid Schaug
Jofrid - a young woman with blonde hair and glasses

When hot flashes are rampant and night sweats keep you awake at night, it's not easy to make ends meet. Especially when you have a small child who needs you.

Jofrid, a mum of a toddler from Kopervik, felt this after a very specific incident. Fortunately, she found a way to get back to everyday life.

From her teenage years until the birth of her first child, Jofrid had regular menstrual cycles.

But after giving birth, she had a hormone rod inserted in her arm for contraception. It caused her so much discomfort that she had to have it removed.

This was the beginning of a whole new and much worse discomfort.

Symptoms of Menopause

"The first thing I noticed was that my menstrual cycle became irregular," says Jofrid.

She also noticed that her genitals became dry, burning and itchy:

"It was really gross and not fun at all."

As if that wasn't enough, more surprises awaited her.

"Then I started getting hot flushes in the middle of the night - terribly annoying ..."

Jofrid F., 32 years old

Now the toddler mum also had to deal with sweat, wet bedding and far too little sleep.

READ MORE: Night Sweats? 6 Causes of Sweaty Nights

The hot flashes also came during the day. She felt more irritable and her head felt foggy. It was so hard to concentrate that she started to worry about her daughter:

"I have to focus when I have a two-year-old in the house!"

Was Looking for Answers

After months of showing signs of menopausal symptoms, Jofrid went to the doctor - who had no good explanation for the severe discomfort.

When the symptoms didn't seem to be going away anytime soon, Jofrid started searching for answers online.

Despite her young age, she Googled both menopause and perimenopause and found that all her symptoms matched what was described.

Suddenly, something appeared on her screen:

Red Clover for Hot Flushes*

"The 4HER Menopause advert came just when I needed it," Jofrid explains with relief in her voice.

"Red clover certainly can't hurt, and maybe I can get better hot flushes," she thought when she saw the advert.

I'm ordering that supplement!"


The Brain Fog Got Better

When Jofrid started taking 4HER Menopause, the ‘fog’ began to lift from her head and she felt better. After that, the pelvic pain disappeared and her periods returned to normal.

"I haven't made any other changes in my life other than taking this supplement," she explains. The hot flashes almost completely disappeared and sleep returned.

Jofrid wants to share her story so that others who experience something similar may also be able to get help with their suffering.

We wish her all the best for the future!

*4HER Menopause contains red clover extract. Red clover helps women manage the signs associated with menopause, such as hot flushes, sweating, restlessness and irritability. The product also contains biotin, which helps maintain normal mucous membranes.